Highly trained former senior Special Operations Forces operators leading high level missions that require advanced competences and expertise.
MAS S.O.T has the expertise and capability to support the full implementation of these services :

High risk environment security (close protection officers)
We assist clients in medium and high risk environments, identifying threats and providing personal protection strategies to safeguard lives.
We provide close protection across the globe, providing tailored solutions ranging from VIP protection in Paris to personal protection in the Middle East and other high-risk territories

Hazardous environment extraction & medical aid
Due to our strong link with partners in Africa, we can offer our clients the possibility to extract a personnel from a country at any moment and provide first medical care.

Cruise ship security teams: “sea marshalls”
Best solution to provide to your passengers and crew the safety and protection they deserve. At sea the first response can only be on the actual cruise ship, a quick response on board will save lives. Our teams has extensive experience in counter-terrorism, anti-piracy operations and will be able to respond to onboard crises.

Cruise ship security teams can also provide
- Complete vessel risk assessment
- Trip treat planning
- Ports security and travel advisories to passengers
- UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
- Port and ground security once your passengers leave the ship
- All operators are handpicked to fit in with your clientele and cruise line crew.